Last week, we outlined how a multiplier force ‘DX’ (Dynamite Experiences) can be created with a seamless COX (Customer Experience + Operational Experience) combination – that helps delivery CX ‘at scale’ leveraging the efficiencies of OX.
Examples of Organizations Pursuing DX
Few illustrations have been noted below, to understand how few Organizations have taken up their pursuit of creating DX and succeeded:
1) Empathy – Understand a customer’s circumstances
2) Personalization – Use individual attention for emotional connection
3) Time and Effort – Minimize customer effort and create frictionless processes
4) Expectations – Manage, meet and exceed customer expectations
5) Resolution – Turn poor experience into a great one
6) Integrity – Be trustworthy and engender trust
In Conclusion:
With these detailed examples on Dynamite Experiences, there is hope that ‘the-rubber-has-met-the-road’ i.e. the idea of CX + OX = (CO) X = DX has merit indeed and that there is a real visualization on how such Initiatives can be realized in daily business lives.
Obviously, neither the concept nor the illustrations are cast in stone. They are directional guidelines which can be referenced by Organizations in setting up their CX Agenda. Or, should I say, their DX Agenda!? They have to be contextualized by each Organization themselves for their unique Customer Expectations. As the famous quote by Bruce Lee goes – Be Water, My Friend…
2) Starbucks New Restroom Policy:
3) Tesco Clubcard Changes:
4) Hyatt Customer Delight:
5) Flipkart Cash on Delivery Story:
6) Shiprocket COD Services:
7) India Cash on Delivery Habits:
8) Tanishq Integrity Practices:
9) Tanishq NPS – Highest in Industry:
10) Barbeque Nation’s Culture of Feedback:
11) ICICI Bank Digital Edge – Retail Bank: